Meet-Up Location 15 N exit 166 Calgrove Blvd in Santa Clarita Continue 1.3 miles as Calgrove becomes The Old Rd $5 check or cash parking in East Canyon Lot or [...]
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join the WhatsApp group for Tempo runs by clicking this link.
From the 5 North, take the Griffith Park exit, turn right on Crystal Springs Drive, and Left on Fire Rd which leads to the Merry Go Round Parking lot. Meetup [...]
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join [...]
Canoga Trailhead | Dirt Mulholland Mulholland Dr & Canoga Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91364 101 Exit for Canoga Ave, head south 1.5 miles to the intersection of Canoga Ave and Canoga Drive. Residential street parking on both sides along Canoga Drive between Ensenada & the white fence. Google Directions Meetup Location: Behind the white fence [...]
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join [...]
Exit Yosemite from 118 Fwy Right on Evening Sky 5715 Evening Sky Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93063 Click here for driving directions Meetup Location: Las Llajas Canyon Trailhead Plenty of [...]
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join [...]
Meetup Location: Meet at the corner of Valleyheart and Wilkinson. (Convenient to start and membership renewal potluck) Driving Directions Available Routes: 5.5 Miles to Tree People 8 Miles to Franklin [...]
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join [...]
Drive CA-27 Topanga South to Overlook Meetup Location: Trailhead Across Topanga from Parking Google Directions 10.2 Miles with 1706 Ft of Climb Turn around Early for Fewer Miles
Click for driving directions There are numerous routes available, ranging from 3 to 7. As always, we'll chat and match up by our desired speed and distance. Drinks after! Join the WhatsApp group for Tempo runs by clicking this link.